
Casual and Comfortable

We try hard to create a friendly, comfortable environment for people to be able to enjoy God for a little while on Sundays. There is also a group that meets on Wednesday nights at Choffey’s at 4:45 pm.

Mobile Minded

The Great Commision says to ‘GO’, so we are trying to obey. We are set up to go outside the walls of a building and do church in the community. Currently we are doing two weeks a month in local Delaware parks. When we are not in the parks, our home base is Choffey’s Coffee at 17 West Winter St in Downtown Delaware, Ohio.

Worship and Word

We take corporate worship as a cornerstone of what we do. It is what we were made to do, and we will do it for eternity when we find ourselves with the Lord in Heaven. The Word shared each week is Biblically based and responsibly shared with those in attendance. Pastor Al shares relevant and timely messages.

Talk to us

Have any questions? Contact information is provided so that you can address any questions, comments, points, or concerns.

Get In Touch

This week we will be at Blue Limestone Park starting at 11 am...join us for great worship and a compelling, uplifting word!!! Click the button for further details.